Not found the Society for you? Well, take a look at how to start a new one.

Start a New Society

Not found the Society for you? Well, take a look at how to start a new one.

Any student at City can apply to set up a new student group. Setting up a new student group equips you with employability skills including; leadership, team work, communication and events planning. Being a committee member prepares you for the world of work and enhances your CV.

All new student group applications will be reviewed by a Students’ Union Officer and a member of the Communities Team. New group applications will be reviewed every ten working days.

New student group applications will either be approved or rejected with recommendations on how to improve it. You’ll hear back within 5 days of the outcome being decided. 


What happens once my student group is approved?

New student groups will be provided with a bank account, email address, web page and full set of training materials in order for your society to be as great as possible. The Communities Team at the students' union will set up a meeting with each new group to answer your training, complete the necessary forms and talk through your plans for the year.


Top Tips

  • When filling out your application, please give as much detail as possible about your society aims and proposed activities. 
  • If your proposed society is similar to another one that already exists at City, please ensure that your application shows how you will be different and won't overlap.

The application for a new society has been closed outside of term and will re-open in August. If you have any questions please contact 

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