Union Policy

The policies that hold us together, a bit like glue.
The policies that hold us together, a bit like glue.

Union Policy includes policy passed by the Board of Trustees, along with operational policies of the Students' Union. 

Policy Title Owner Review Date
Conflicts of Interest Policy Board of Trustees 13/09/25
Data Protection Policy Board of Trustees 13/12/24
Equality and Diversity Policy Board of Trustees 12/12/26
External Speakers Policy Board of Trustees 18/10/25
Financial Regulations Board of Trustees 06/12/23
Health and Safety Policy Board of Trustees 13/12/24
Publishing Policy Board of Trustees 29/03/24
Reserves Policy Board of Trustees 02/02/24
Risk Management Policy Board of Trustees 16/10/24
Safeguarding Children and Vunerable Adults Policy Board of Trustees 29/03/24
Student-Staff Protocol Board of Trustees and Chief Executive 13/09/25
Trustee Code of Conduct Board of Trustees 19/10/24
Union Advice Service Policy Handbook 2023/24 Board of Trustees 29/11/24
Volunteers Policy Board of Trustees 29/03/24
Web Provision and Conduct Policy Board of Trustees 02/02/24
Whistleblowing Policy Board of Trustees 13/09/25


Other documents

Policy Title Owner
Affliations 2022/23 Board of Trustees
Delegation of Authority Board of Trustees

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